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Palantir Foundry

Platform that generates live risk benchmarks among peer organizations and automates compliance and risk reports
Value Proposition


With the uptick in high-profile data breaches, organizations with large networks are working hard to guard against advanced intruders who identify and exploit complex vulnerabilities on the most important systems. But often, a tunnel vision focus on sophisticated attacks distract organizations from more basic problems, like stale passwords or machines that haven't been patched against months-old vulnerabilities, that leave them just as vulnerable to attack. Solutions designed to guard against complex attacks generate an overwhelming number of alerts, requiring a large workforce to triage a flood of false positives. These solutions don't solve the fundamental problems of security hygiene, which is, at its core, a data problem. 


Palantir Foundry helps organizations build a comprehensive, real-time view of their networks, then use that view to identify where the risk lives and who within the organization is accountable for mitigating it. With Palantir Foundry, our clients are taking targeted actions to strengthen their security posture by Increasing their ability to reduce risk by an order of magnitude; Generating live risk benchmarks on a national level among peer organizations; and automating arduous compliance and risk reports while increasing the level of granularity. Palantir Foundry represents a return to security first principles: count your doors, make sure they're locked, and prioritize your most valuable assets. By creating a comprehensive, dynamic view of a network in Palantir Foundry, organizations can implement and strengthen basic cybersecurity hygiene practices—and from there, monitor activity for more complex attacks.

