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OneLogin, Inc.


Cloud-based IAM/IDaaS solution with an industry-leading SSO and identity-management solution
Value Proposition


Enterprises of all sizes are challenged to effectively provide secure access to a rapidly growing mosaic of cloud, on-premise and mobile applications. Whether sanctioned by the enterprise IT group of purchased by departmental shadow IT organizations, individually provisioned applications present a great management burden with multiple negative operational effects. As a result, enterprises and users encounter a range of obstacles that prevent them from securely operating at speed. At best, users who clamor for access to applications are inconvenienced when they don’t get access quickly enough, or not at all. Worst case, because today’s IT footprint is large and porous, companies face headline-making data breaches when applications introduce security vulnerabilities into the enterprise environment. Furthermore, enterprises with on-premise portfolios encounter additional complexity due to their hybrid cloud/on-premise software environments


OneLogin delivers a new class of solution that allows enterprises to operate at maximum speed, while at the same time providing the integrity that confers insight and governance, and reduces risk. This new class of identity management meets four key enterprise requirements, in real-time: Go beyond single sign-on (SSO), expanding to a cloud-based directory which easily integrates with third party applications, authentication solutions and custom integrations; Establish universal reach across all types of users who touch corporate data: employees, contractors, partners, customers and more; Deliver hyper-convenience for IT and business users for ease of deployment and use; Ensure business integrity across all users, devices and applications, providing holistic, efficient, secure and compliant access control


  • Identity control plane that synthesizes a half-dozen critical elements of identity and application management that were previously stand-alone functions
  • Can be used with any combination of modern and legacy applications, including cloud-based, on-premises and mobile apps
  • Deploy new apps in seconds
  • Real-time commissioning and decommissioning (on- and off-boarding employees)
  • Architected from the ground up for today’s fluid work environment
  • Intuitive modern user interface and streamlined workflow designed to enable cloud-based business velocity
  • Offers security, governance and transparency across all apps, and identity analytics and policy reporting for compliance
  • Data sovereignty for identity, with separate EU and US data centers
  • OneLogin is a pioneer in open standards, including SAML and Native Apps (NAPPS)
Supporting Technology
  • Machine learning
Standards & Compliance
  • GDPR
