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NCC Group

NCC Group GatewayCrypt for S3

Cloud encryption gateway product capable of storing protectively marked data
Value Proposition


The adoption of cloud services has already increased alongside the demand for secure transfer and storage of protectively marked data. However, there are a number of security concerns associated with transferring and storing sensitive data in the cloud. These include the number of people that have access to the data (and the associated backups) as well as how you ensure that the data has not been tampered with. Most cloud storage service providers can encrypt the data that sits on their servers, however, the majority of cloud storage providers also hold the decryption keys. This means that they are potentially able to decrypt files hosted in the cloud and access highly confidential data without seeking permission from, or even notifying, the data owner.


GatewayCrypt for S3 is one of the first cloud encryption gateway products capable of storing protectively marked data. Produced by NCC Group under the guidance of NCSC, it provides transparent confidentiality and integrity protection at speeds in excess of 900Mbps to any AWS S3 compatible products. GatewayCrypt for S3 provides the peace of mind that your data is protected whilst stored in the cloud or being moved between networks that you are responsible for. The features of the product allow you to use AWS to reduce costs and improve efficiency, without increasing the risk to your critical data


  • Transparent data encryption for any S3 compatible software
  • The self hosted solution ensures the keys never leave the organisation’s control.
  • Protects filenames, metadata and ACLs, not just the file content.
  • Leverages off platform parallel processing to minimise the impact on performance.
  • Provides a strong additional layer of protection for hosted storage solutions
  • Low up front cost and maintenance fees
  • The web based management frontend allows for easy configuration, integration and implementation.
Standards & Compliance
  • Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation
