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ESET Dynamic Threat Defense

Cloud based Sandboxing for dynamic malware and zero day attacks
Value Proposition


Today’s cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving with new attack methods and never-before-seen threats. When an attack or data breach occurs, organizations are typically surprised that their defenses were compromised or are completely unaware that the attack even happened. After the attack is finally discovered, organizations then reactively implement mitigations to stop this attack from being repeated. However, this does not protect them from the next attack that may use another brand-new vector. In addition, Ransomware has been a constant concern for industries across the world ever since Cryptolocker in 2013. Despite ransomware existing for far longer, it was never a major threat that businesses were concerned about. However, now a single incidence of ransomware can easily render a business inoperable by encrypting important or necessary files. When a business experiences a ransomware attack, it quickly realizes that the backups it has are not recent enough, so the business feels as though it must pay the ransom


A cloud security sandbox’s approach is much more effective than just looking at the appearance of the potential threat because it goes beyond just the mere appearance and instead observes what the potential threat does. This helps it be much more conclusive when determining if something is a targeted attack, advanced persistent threat, or benign. It provides an additional layer of defense outside of a company’s network to prevent ransomware from ever executing in a production environment


  • Whenever a zero-day threat such as ransomware is seen, the file is sent to our cloud-based malware protection system – LiveGrid®, where the threat is detonated and behavior is monitored. Results of this system are provided to all endpoints globally within minutes without requiring any updates
  • MACHINE LEARNING Uses the combined power of neural networks and handpicked algorithms to correctly label incoming samples as clean, potentially unwanted or malicious.
  • World-class security researchers sharing elite know-how and intelligence to ensure the best roundthe-clock threat intelligence
  • Within Dynamic Threat Defense, ESET utilizes 3 different machine learning models once a file is submitted. After that, it runs the sample through a full sandbox which simulates user behavior to trick anti-evasive techniques. Next, a deep learning neural network is used to compare the behavior seen versus historical behavioral data. Last but not least, the latest version of ESET’s scanning engine is used to take everything apart and analyzed for anything unusual.
  • Every analyzed sample is listed in ESET Security Management Center console with various information about the sample itself and its origin. All information is displayed in an easy-to-understand form. Not only do we simply display samples that were sent to ESET Dynamic Threat Defense but everything that is sent to ESET’s Cloud Malware Protection System – ESET LiveGrid®.
  • Nowadays, customers are constantly traveling and not on premise, that is why ESET Dynamic Threat Defense is able to analyze files no matter where users are. The best part is that if anything malicious is detected, the whole company is immediately protected
  • Every minute counts, which is why ESET Dynamic Threat Defense is able to analyze the majority of samples in under 5 minutes. If a sample was previously analyzed, it is simply a few seconds until all devices at your organization are protected.
  • ESET has been in the security industry for over 30 years, and we continue to evolve our technology to stay one step ahead of the newest threats. This has led us to be trusted by over 110 million users worldwide. Our technology is constantly scrutinized and validated by third-party testers who show how effective our approach is at stopping the latest threats.
